Garage and Outhouse Conversions

Garage conversions in Dorset

Contact Dorset Wetrooms, Property Maintenance, Bathrooms & Kitchens Ltd for prompt garage and outhouse conversions.

Convert your garage into an extra bathroom

Do you need an extra bathroom or bedroom for your home? You could convert your garage or your outhouse to free up the space!
Dorset Wetrooms, Property Maintenance, Bathrooms & Kitchens Ltd can convert your garage or outhouse into a bathroom, in no time at all. We specialise in garage and outhouse conversions for homes across Dorset.
Disabled adaptations
house exteriors

Get the most out of your property

You can get the most out of your property with the help of our garage and outhouse conversions. All the conversion work is carried out by experienced professionals. We can customise our services to meet your specifications and budget.
a large room

We can provide:

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Dorset Wetrooms, Property Maintenance, Bathrooms & Kitchens Ltd provides garage and outhouse conversions in Blandford, Dorset. Call us on
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